Showing posts with label Social Security. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Social Security. Show all posts

Monday, March 3, 2025

Still Waiting! Trump vowed to eliminate federal taxes on Social Security benefits

Article Title: 3 Bills You Might Not Have To Pay With Trump as President
Snippet of Article: "Trump vowed to eliminate federal taxes on Social Security benefits...Retirees have contributed to the system throughout their working years — it’s only right they should keep more of what they’ve earned to ensure a secure and comfortable retirement.” This would save considerable amounts on tax bills for retirees..."


[tag] Trump vowed to eliminate federal taxes on Social Security benefits, Trump Promises, [/tag]

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Trump Promised No Harm To Social Security, What Does Mike Johnson Have to Say About It?

Article Title: Mike Johnson Gives Update on Plans for Social Security
Snippet of Article: "..."No one is coming in with the intention of cutting benefits in any way or anything, but we have to look at all spending and look at it very deliberately while maintaining those commitments."

Johnson went on to say that the Republican Party would not be cutting benefits, but there are many areas of fraud and waste that will be audited in the future. ..."


[tag] Social Security,Saviors of Retirees and Social Security, Trump, [/tag]

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Elder Abuse | The estimated Social Security increase for 2025 keeps dropping

Article Title: The estimated Social Security increase for 2025 keeps dropping
Snippet of Article: "...The next cost-of-living increase for Social Security recipients — which was already projected to be the lowest in years — is continuing to fall even lower, according to the latest figures from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. ..."


[tag] The Forgotten Voters (Social Security Recipients), Social Security, Destruction of Seniors, [/tag]

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Retirees' Social Security checks have lost significant buying power

Article Title: Retirees' Social Security checks have lost significant buying power
Snippet of Article: "Inflation has taken a toll on seniors' ability to make ends meet, as annual cost-of-living adjustments fail to keep up. ...Retirees would need, on average, a $370 monthly boost in their Social Security checks to make up for a 20% loss of buying power since 2010.

That means today’s average monthly benefit of $1,860 for retired workers would need to rise to about $2,230, according to a new report from the Senior Citizens League, a nonpartisan group.

The spoiler: inflation. ..."


[tag] Democrats do nothing to help retirees and they are in power now!, Inflation has destroyed boomer retirees, Root Causes of Inflation is Democrat Rule, Do Nothing Democrats, [/tag]

Thursday, October 26, 2023

Biden Supported UAW Wage Increases Sets Precedent for 25% Social Security Increase; Where is a Social Security Increase , Joe?

Article Title: UAW and Ford reach 'tentative' deal in breakthrough towards ending the union's almost six-week strike against Detroit's Big Three automakers
Snippet of Article: "'We won things no one thought possible,' UAW president Shawn Fain said Wednesday. ...The four-year deal that includes a 25 percent general wage increase...'We told Ford to pony up, and they did,' President Shawn Fain said"


[tag] Biden Supports Huge Inflationary Union Wage Increases, People on Social Security Going Broke, Biden Legacy, Where is equity now?, Destruction of America, [/tag]

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

You Worked Your Entire Life For a Tiny Social Security Check but, Biden Admin Wants Free Medical, Housing for 5.7M Migrants

Article Title: Biden Admin Wants Free Medical, Housing for 5.7M Migrants
Snippet of Article: "The Biden administration wants to provide 5.7 million migrants with free medical services, food, and housing, according to government documents. ...A request for information (RFI) form published Aug. 17 said RRM participants would receive "legal assistance; psychosocial services; therapeutic services; medical services; food and clothing banks; housing; public transportation information; parental information; education information; and repatriation and reintegration services."..."


[tag] Free Stuff for Illegals vs. Americans, Your Taxes at Work, Root Causes of Social Security Failing Americans, [/tag]

Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Americans name the US’ worst problem

Article Title: Americans name the US’ worst problem
Snippet of Article: "...Americans say a lack of leadership from President Biden and the Congress is the country’s biggest problem ..."


[tag] Failed Biden Presidency,Destruction of America,Foreign Invasion of Southern Border,Inflation,Social Security,Crime,American economy, [/tag]

Friday, September 16, 2022

Why is the Biden Admin Ignoring the Social Security Pensioners While Giving Money Freely to Illegals and Unions

Article Title: Why is the Biden Admin Ignoring the Social Security Pensioners While Giving Money Freely to Illegals and Unions
Snippet of Article: ...Biden Admin is severely underestimating the rage of the retired and retiring blue collar workers on Social Security. With a huge, enraged voting block of 69.1 million people receiving benefits from programs administered by the Social Security Administration ( SSA ) in 2019, the Biden Admin will see this overlooked, huge populace make a statement thru voting in the midterms and 2024. The Biden Admin needs to start looking out for the best interest of Americans ...especially those trying to survive on Social Security. These groups need to stand together and make their voice clear thru voting.

Source: The Federal Retirement News

[tag] Social Security, Humanitarian Crisis,Biden Legacy, Destruction of U.S. Eldery, Disrespect of elders, [/tag]

Sunday, May 8, 2022

Federal Retirement News: What is one of the best things i can do to prepare for retirement?

Article Title: What is one of the best things i can do to prepare for retirement?
Snippet of Article: "Find out what your Social Security pension will be based on your reported earnings. Do you have enough credits? ...Plan for your future with your My Social Security Account. Estimate your retirement benefits at different ages and dates. Your personal my Social Security account gives you secure access to information based on your earnings history..."

Source: Federal Retirement News

[tag] Federal Employee News, Federal Civil Service, [/tag]

Monday, December 14, 2020

Will Biden Live Up to His Pay Promises to Federal Workers and Social Security?

Article Title: Biden Vows to Raise Federal Employees' Pay and Protect Benefits
Snippet of Article: "...Joe Biden this week promised that if he is elected president, he would provide federal employees with “regular pay increases” and abandon proposals by the Trump administration to make them contribute more to their retirement and other non-salary benefits...“We must make Social Security more generous and increase its benefits so that current and future retirees enjoy the dignified retirement they’ve earned,” Biden wrote..."


[tag] Federal Employee News, Federal Civil Service, Biden, 2021 Federal Employee Pay, federal pay, Social Security, [/tag]

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Social Security Lets the Wealthy Slide on Their Income Contributions While Working Class Pays

Article Title: Here’s How Much America’s Rising Income Inequality Is Costing Social Security
Snippet of Article: "...ironically, it’s America’s highest earners—those who can most readily afford to contribute—whom policymakers have chosen to give a break. In 2019, every dollar they earn above the payroll tax cap of $132,900 will escape Social Security payroll taxes entirely. As a result, while roughly 94 percent of workers contributed the full 12.4 percent of their annual earnings toward Social Security taxes..."


[tag] Federal Employee News, Federal Civil Service, [/tag]

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Repeal of Windfall Elimination Provision? Joint resolution passes California state Assembly, aims to increase Social Security benefits for public sector employees

Article Title: Joint resolution passes California state Assembly, aims to increase Social Security benefits for public sector employees
Snippet of Article: "...The California State Assembly passed Assembly Joint Resolution No. 41, or AJR 41, on June 25, requesting that Congress and the president repeal the Government Pension Offset and the Windfall Elimination Provision from the Social Security Act..."


[tag] Federal Employee News, Federal Civil Service, Windfall Elimination Provision, Government Pension Offset, Social Security, [/tag]

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Best day to retire for federal workers and CSRS Offset

Article Title: Social Security, best day to retire and other life questions
Snippet of Article: "...The answer to this question for 2017 (and for most years) is Jan. 3, whether or not it is at the end of a pay period. However, in some years the leave year ends on a date before..."


[tag] Federal Employee News, Federal Civil Service, best day to retire, Social Security, CSRS, Federal Employee Retirement System (FERS), CSRS Offset, best date to retire in 2017, [/tag]

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Jeb Bush backs higher Social Security retirement age. Big issue for 2016?

Article Title: Jeb Bush backs higher Social Security retirement age. Big issue for 2016?
Snippet of Article: "...By coming out for a retirement-age hike, Bush joins fellow GOP presidential hopefuls New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida, who have proposed similar increases as part of larger Social Security reform plans. Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker..."


[tag] Federal Employee News, Federal Civil Service, Social Security, Jeb Bush, 2016 presidential race, [/tag]

Saturday, January 12, 2013

'Fart Fest' Federal Employee Reprimand is Rescinded

Article Title: Flatulent federal worker's reprimand is rescinded
Snippet of Article: "...The letter quoted guidelines from the "Annual Personnel Reminder" and "2012 SSA/AFGE National Agreement" which the Module Manager claimed the employee had violated, including "courtesy and consideration while dealing with coworkers" and "refrain from coercive, intimidating, loud or abusive behavior."..."


[tag]Federal,Government,Military,Retiree, [/tag]

Friday, April 15, 2011

They want your Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security

Article Title: House passes sweeping GOP budget cuts, reforms
Snippet of Article: "...keep their hands off of Medicare and the sacred contract that we have with the people we are sworn to serve."

Several spectators were forcibly removed from the House gallery shortly before the vote for yelling and generally disrupting the chamber's proceedings...."


[tag]Federal,Government,Military,Retiree, [/tag]

Thursday, October 28, 2010

But what about retired federal employees?

Article Title: A one-shot $250 check for retired feds? Snippet of Article: "...Congress and the White House are likely to push through a proposal that gives social security recipients and veterans a one-shot retired feds ..."


[tag]retired feds, [/tag]

Monday, October 18, 2010

Rand Paul wants to raise Social Security Age

Article Title: Republican Candidates Dive Into Social Security Snippet of Article: "...Kentucky Republican Senate nominee Rand Paul was the latest to make waves when he said during a debate on "Fox News Sunday" that "there will have to be changes for the younger generation," specifically talking about the 55 and younger crowd. "You're going to have to have eligibility changes for the younger people," Paul said. ..."


Note: Bold print added by website
[tag]Federal,Government,Military,Retiree, [/tag]