Showing posts with label Cuts to ICE funding (Kamala Harris). Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cuts to ICE funding (Kamala Harris). Show all posts

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Harris told ACLU in 2019 she supports cuts to ICE funding and providing gender transition surgery to detained migrants

Article Title: Harris told ACLU in 2019 she supports cuts to ICE funding and providing gender transition surgery to detained migrants
Snippet of Article: "...a leading civil rights organization spotlights her past support for left-wing causes such as taxpayer-funded gender transition surgeries for detained immigrants and federal prisoners.

In an American Civil Liberties Union questionnaire then-Sen. Harris filled out as a candidate for president in 2020, she also expressed support for decriminalizing federal drug possession for personal use, and for sweeping reductions to Immigration and Custom Enforcement operations, including drastic cuts in ICE funding and an open-ended pledge to “end” immigration detention. ...



[tag] Taxpayer-funded gender transition surgeries for detained immigrants and federal prisoners (Kamala Harris Policies They Want to Hide), Cuts to ICE funding (Kamala Harris), Open Borders (Kamala Harris Agenda), Non-Citizen Voting (Kamala Harris Agenda), [/tag]