Showing posts with label Border Czar Kamala Harris. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Border Czar Kamala Harris. Show all posts

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Venezuelan Illegals Charged with Murder and Rape of 12-Year-Old Joceyln Nungaray Were Released by Border Patrol Earlier This Year

Article Title: Venezuelan Illegal Aliens Charged with Murder of 12-Year-Old Houston Girl Were Released by Border Patrol Earlier This Year
Snippet of Article: "...Two Venezuelan nationals charged in the murder of 12-year-old Joceyln Nungaray in Houston illegally crossed the southern border earlier this year, and although apprehended by U.S. Border Patrol agents, both were released into the United States with GPS monitors.

Houston Police announced Thursday..."


[tag] Examples of the Disgusting Border Polices of the Illegal-Friendly Kamala Harris/ Democrats, Root Causes of Illegal Immigration (Border Czar Kamala Harris),Border Czar Kamala Harris, [/tag]

Example of Disgusting Democrat Run America | Illegal convicted of rape rearrested by ICE after judge sentenced him to only 190 days in jail

Article Title: Illegal immigrant convicted of rape is rearrested by ICE agents after judge sentenced him to just 190 days in jail
Snippet of Article: "...19-year-old Guatemalan Henry Argueta-Tobar's arrest came after he was sentenced on July 3 to 20 years in prison for second-degree rape.

However, the court then suspended all but 190 days of the prison sentence. ..."


[tag] Root Causes of Illegal Immigration (Border Czar Kamala Harris),Border Czar Kamala Harris, [/tag]

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

The Lying Flip-Flopper Kamala 'The Chameleon' Harris | Biden campaign pegged her as 'political chameleon' who would say anything to get elected

Article Title: Harris Affirms Reputation as 'Flip-Flopper With No Core'
Snippet of Article: "...Vice President Kamala Harris has in recent days disavowed nearly every policy position she claimed to hold as a failed candidate during the 2020 Democratic primary. Harris now claims she doesn't want to ban fracking, abolish immigration enforcement, confiscate guns, or end private health insurance—all positions she espoused while attempting to please left-wing activists. Harris campaign spokesman Brian Fallon, who supports defunding the police... Biden campaign pegged her as 'political chameleon' who would say anything to get elected ..."


[tag] Border Czar Kamala Harris, Defund Police Kamala Harris, Antisemitism and Kamala Harris, Candidates for President That Hate America, [/tag]

Monday, July 29, 2024

Harris and the Border Disaster | The Failed Border Czar

Article Title: On Kamala Harris’s role, media cross border into outright lies
Snippet of Article: "...Facts are facts, even if they make new presidential candidate Kamala Harris look bad. This fact is undeniable, no matter how much dishonest media try to obfuscate it ... It was way back on March 24, 2021. Biden, in a White House meeting that included Harris, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, and Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra, announced he was tapping Harris to lead the administration’s response to the growing number of migrants arriving at the U.S. border. Her job, he said, was “stemming the migration to our southern border.” He also said she “agreed to lead our diplomatic effort and work with nations [to our South] to accept re- — the returnees, and enhance migration enforcement at their borders — at their borders.”"


[tag] A Vote for Harris is a Vote For More Foreign Invasion and Job Losses For Low Wage Americans, Harris Border Fail, [/tag]

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Democrats Pack America With Illegals While Diverting The Attention Of Americans WIth Media Attacks on Trump/Vance

Article Title: July Border Numbers Show No Decline in Biden’s Invited Economic Migrants
Snippet of Article: "...Alejandro Mayorkas is inviting a steady inflow of almost 120,000 economic migrants each month through his quasi-legal gateways at the southern border, regardless of the damage done to Democrats’ 2024 election chances. ..."


[tag] Illegal Invasion of America, Replacing the American Voter, Border Czar Kamala Harris,[/tag]