Showing posts with label Kamala Harris Agenda. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kamala Harris Agenda. Show all posts

Friday, August 30, 2024

Kamala 'Tax Them More' Harris | Harris will tax unrealized stock gains

Article Title: Harris’s Tax on Unrealized Gains is Only the Tip of a $5 Trillion Tax Iceberg
Snippet of Article: "...Kamala Harris’s campaign recently confirmed that she supports all the nearly $5 trillion in tax increases included in President Biden’s 2025 budget proposal. Among the long list of tax hikes is a novel proposal to tax the unrealized gains of wealthy Americans. As many commentators have noted, such a tax would be economically destructive..."


[tag] Kamala Harris Agenda, Taxes, Unrealized Gains Tax (Kamala Harris), Tax Increases Under Kamala Harris, Kamala Harris Positions, More Taxes Under Kamala Harris, [/tag]