Showing posts with label Biden's America and Veteran Hatred. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Biden's America and Veteran Hatred. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Joe Biden | The Raging Hater

Article Title: Here's What Sent Joe Biden Into a Total Rage During 'Awful' Call With House Dems
Snippet of Article: "The call with the Congressional Hispanic Caucus devolved into total mayhem ...On top of being late to the call, Rep. Mike Levin (D-CA) called on Biden to step aside directly, leading to the call's abruptly ending. No one could ask the president questions. It was very much the controlled, guard-railed, and staged antics that have marked this presidency. It’s all a show, with no real action or governing. ...Things got especially confrontational when Rep. Jason Crow (D-CO) brought up the crisis in confidence in Biden being our commander-in-chief. Crow, a veteran with a Bronze Star, was excoriated by Biden, who trashed his service ... "


[tag] Biden Insults Veteran, Biden's America and Veteran Hatred, [/tag]