Showing posts with label Military Deposit for Retirement Credit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Military Deposit for Retirement Credit. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Military Deposit for Retirement Credit: Text from recent OPM webcast stream. Excellent Information

Article Title: Military Deposits
Snippet of Article: "... the payments for the military deposit have to be made to the agency and they can be done in a lump sum or installments, and again, I will be harping on this -- because this has to be made at the agency, you cannot walk in the month before retirement and expect to do installments on a military deposit. It will not work out. If you are moving into retirement, or you're within six months of retirement, you will have to make a large installment, or lump sum payment, because it has to be finalized before that date...."


[tag] Federal Employee News, Federal Civil Service, [/tag]