Showing posts with label Biden Foreign Invasion of America. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Biden Foreign Invasion of America. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Foreign Invasion Obama/Biden-Style | Biden Again Stuffs More Than Another Half-Million Migrants To Legal Status and Benefits

Article Title: Biden to give hundreds of thousands of illegal migrants who are married to US citizens protection from deportation, work permits and path to citizenship in the biggest immigration shakeup in decades
Snippet of Article: "...President Joe Biden is planning to announce a sweeping new policy Tuesday that would lift the threat of deportation for hundreds of thousands of people married to U.S. citizens, an aggressive election-year action on immigration that had been sought by many Democrats. Biden will announce the new program at a White House event to celebrate the Obama-era 'dreamers' ..."


[tag] Destruction of America, Biden Foreign Invasion of America,The Democrat Years, Destruction of Social Security (The Democrat Plan to Bankrupt Social Security),Destruction of Democracy, Biden's Puppet Master Obama Border Crisis, [/tag]