Showing posts with label Worst School Systems in America. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Worst School Systems in America. Show all posts

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Chicago Teachers Instructed to Give Illegal Immigrant Students Passing Grades Despite Poor Performance

Article Title: Chicago Teachers Instructed to Give Illegal Immigrant Students Passing Grades Despite Poor Performance
Snippet of Article: "...The sanctuary city of Chicago has struggled mightily with an influx of illegal immigrants. Now, teachers in Chicago are saying that they are being told to give passing grades to illegal immigrant students regardless of their academic performance. Public school teachers from several districts say they have been told to pass the students. One second-grade teacher was told to pass a student with a "C" in all subjects, from the second to the third grade, despite the fact that the student was testing at a kindergarten level. Another teacher claims that at a training session, he was told to promote illegal immigrant students automatically to the next grade. The arrival of large numbers of illegal immigrant students has created several problems..."


[tag] Illegals Given Educational Preference, Bias Against Americans, Preferential Treatment of Illegals, Chicago Teachers, Worst School Systems in America, [/tag]