Showing posts with label New York Times vs. Trump. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New York Times vs. Trump. Show all posts

Friday, August 2, 2024

Nicolás Maduro Campaign Pulls a Democrat Election Trick | New York Times Calls Out The Fraud

Article Title: Election Results Presented by Venezuela’s Opposition Suggest Maduro Lost Decisively
Snippet of Article: "...The Times analyzed partial voting tallies collected by the opposition. They cast further doubt on Nicolás Maduro’s declared victory. ... partial election results, provided to The New York Times by a group of researchers associated with Venezuela’s main opposition alliance, supply new evidence that calls the official result into question.

Their figures suggest that an opposition candidate, a retired diplomat named Edmundo González, actually beat Mr. Maduro by more than 30 percentage points. The researchers’ estimate of the result — 66 percent to 31 percent — is similar to the result obtained by an independent exit poll conducted on Election Day across the country."

Source: New York Times

[tag] U.S. Election Interference vs. Venezuela Election Interference (New York Times), [/tag]