Friday, August 2, 2024

Nicolás Maduro Campaign Pulls a Democrat Election Trick | New York Times Calls Out The Fraud

Article Title: Election Results Presented by Venezuela’s Opposition Suggest Maduro Lost Decisively
Snippet of Article: "...The Times analyzed partial voting tallies collected by the opposition. They cast further doubt on Nicolás Maduro’s declared victory. ... partial election results, provided to The New York Times by a group of researchers associated with Venezuela’s main opposition alliance, supply new evidence that calls the official result into question.

Their figures suggest that an opposition candidate, a retired diplomat named Edmundo González, actually beat Mr. Maduro by more than 30 percentage points. The researchers’ estimate of the result — 66 percent to 31 percent — is similar to the result obtained by an independent exit poll conducted on Election Day across the country."

Source: New York Times

[tag] U.S. Election Interference vs. Venezuela Election Interference (New York Times), [/tag]