Showing posts with label Destruction of the Disabled Veteran. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Destruction of the Disabled Veteran. Show all posts

Sunday, May 12, 2024

The Corrupt Biden Years | VA Executives Received $10.8 Million in Improper Bonuses Under PACT Act, Watchdog Finds

Article Title: VA Executives Received $10.8 Million in Improper Bonuses Under PACT Act, Watchdog Finds
Snippet of Article: "...The Department of Veterans Affairs paid senior executives at its headquarters $10.8 million in incentive bonuses last year -- funding meant to keep employees in critically understaffed positions -- and now it faces issues recouping the money, the department's top watchdog said in a report Thursday. The amount is $1 million more than the department acknowledged last September when Secretary Denis McDonough said 170 senior executives at the VA's Central Office in Washington, D.C., erroneously received $9.7 million in bonuses under a retention bonus program authorized by the PACT Act...."


[tag] Government Corruption, Stealing from Veterans, [/tag]