Showing posts with label Biden Puts America at Risk. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Biden Puts America at Risk. Show all posts

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Biden mocked over 'habitually confused' reactions at debate by American adversaries

Article Title: Foreign news outlets did not hold back from bashing the US president
Snippet of Article: "...America's adversaries didn't just think President Biden got pummeled in Thursday's debate, they claim the United States was the real loser. Russia, China, Iran and others weighed in after Biden's faltering performance left viewers stunned. Media outlets in those countries, many of which are government-run, seized on the debate debacle to criticize the U.S. "Every outlet, big and small, carries a piece describing what happened..."


[tag] President Biden's Senility Puts America at Risk, Why Do Some American's Want to Destroy It With Another Biden Vote? [/tag]