Google Trends |
Article Title: Bernie Sanders Wins According to Google's Data Based Analysis
In spite of and contrary to the
non-data backed views and thoughts of the Washington political machine and the media which is bought and paid for by the ultra wealthy who are in great fear of Bernie Sanders becoming the next President of this great nation, Bernie Sanders was the big winner coming out of the Democratic Debate. Google Trends (https://www.google.com/trends/story/US_cu_PviRQ1ABAAD_OM_en) identifies Bernie Sanders being searched far more than any candidate. Bernie Sanders also won according to and on Twitter (http://www.forbes.com/sites/dandiamond/2015/10/13/bernie-sanders-clearly-won-the-debate-on-twitter/). Bernies' detractors want you to think this is some anomaly that means little ...and if the wealth and corporate backed media can convince you that Bernie Sanders cannot possibly win, they will win again through media manipulation and faux polls. However, data backed analytics beats manipulated polls and media articles when it comes to the facts. The corporate and political establishment wants you to believe Bernie is not a valid contender in this important election. The wealthy are in fear that this man, a self-proclaimed Democratic Socialist, will rock the boat and tilt wealth in this country toward more equilibrium and balance, fairly shifting wealth to the working people by killing off money pouring into super PAC's by America's top 1% who now controls 90% of the wealth. They attempt to manipulate the process by calling it a capitalist society, instead of identifying the fact that the extreme wealthy are spoon feeding you what they want you to hear while buying off politicians to perform the circus tricks they need to remain in place to retain their corrupt bought and paid for agendas ...agendas that take money from you through outrageous taxes and ripping away programs that take care of the truly needy while at the same time letting America's infrastructure crumble by stealing money from the military budget, robbing veterans of care, closing more Postal Service mail processing facilities and Post Offices, removing your guns so they can control any future uprisings brought on by the continuous robbing of your Social Security, etc. Will we allow them to win again or will we elect a man that will truly return America to the greatest country in the world? Let's make real, positive change instead of allowing only a rare few to control the majority of wealth by stealing from us through a corrupt system, exampled by
too big to fail Bank and Wall Street Scams.
Source: Federal Employee News Blog
More Reading on Bernie Sanders and the Debate Results:
Bernie Sanders Clearly Won Tuesday's Debate -- On Twitter Reference: http://www.forbes.com/sites/dandiamond/2015/10/13/bernie-sanders-clearly-won-the-debate-on-twitter/
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