Article Title: Congressman Darrell Issa (CA-49) and the Oversight and Government Reform Committee needs serious reform
It appears Congressman Darrell Issa, Chairman of the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform and the committee both need to go. This committee has been a complete failure and gives more of an appearance of a government privatization initiative as opposed to an oversight committee. Referencing Issa's own committee website, the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform Mission Statement reads as:
The Committee on Oversight and Government Reform has legislative jurisdiction over the District of Columbia, the government procurement process, federal personnel systems, the Postal Service and other matters. Our primary responsibility, however, is oversight of virtually everything government does – from national security to homeland security grants, from federal workforce policies to regulatory reform and reorganization authority, from information technology procurements at individual agencies to government-wide data security standards.
Oversight, in my opinion, is defined as "the action of overseeing something". Oversight should be just that ...oversight! Not an after-the-fact whining and complaining about government failure instead of a committee that has failed to notice or do something about issues before the damage is done. However, instead of 'reforming' and 'overseeing' government entities, he and his committee have done nothing but allow the Postmaster General to purposely slow the mail and destroy the postal network infrastructure with more mail processing plant closures to come. The Secret Service has failed to properly secure the White House which falls under the realm of committee oversight that is tasked with the primary "responsibility for oversight of virtually everything government does". The CDC is now being criticized for the handling of the first Ebola incident in the country. The Veterans Affairs agency has seen its serious issues, as well as the IRS. Yet instead of being proactive and being the watchdogs (oversight) of our government and correcting issues before they fester into big problems, the committee has stood idle until the damage is done and then whines like little children that these agencies are failures. Wake up Issa and committee! Stop complaining and do something to protect America's infrastructure instead of trying to tear it down. Privatization of our national infrastructure is not the answer.Our government is supposed to be our government, not a privately run , for profit, corporate entity! Mr. Issa, repair our government, don't rip it apart! How about going to work on the aforementioned issues and stop whining after the fact.
Source: Federal Employee News
[tag] Federal Employee News, Federal Civil Service, [/tag]