Showing posts with label Unrealized Gains Tax (Kamala Harris). Show all posts
Showing posts with label Unrealized Gains Tax (Kamala Harris). Show all posts

Friday, August 30, 2024

Kamala 'Tax Them More' Harris | Harris will tax unrealized stock gains

Article Title: Harris’s Tax on Unrealized Gains is Only the Tip of a $5 Trillion Tax Iceberg
Snippet of Article: "...Kamala Harris’s campaign recently confirmed that she supports all the nearly $5 trillion in tax increases included in President Biden’s 2025 budget proposal. Among the long list of tax hikes is a novel proposal to tax the unrealized gains of wealthy Americans. As many commentators have noted, such a tax would be economically destructive..."


[tag] Kamala Harris Agenda, Taxes, Unrealized Gains Tax (Kamala Harris), Tax Increases Under Kamala Harris, Kamala Harris Positions, More Taxes Under Kamala Harris, [/tag]