Showing posts with label Federal furlough. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Federal furlough. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Furlough Notice Friday! Coming to a Federal Employee Near You

Article Title: Federal Workers Expecting Furlough Notices Friday
Snippet of Article: "...The federal government is required to give employees 30 days notice before a furlough can take affect. Those notices are expected to come this Friday, March 1st..."


[tag]Federal,Government,Military,Retiree, [/tag]

Friday, April 8, 2011

What effect will a furlough have on other benefits that are paid for through payroll deductions?

Article Title: Effect of Extended Leave Without Pay (LWOP) (or Other Nonpay Status) on Federal Benefits and Programs
Snippet of Article: "...The effect of a furlough on benefits that are paid for through payroll deductions varies. For additional information, see OPM’s fact sheet on the "Effect of Extended Leave Without Pay (or Other Nonpay Status) on Federal Benefits and programs at ..."


[tag]Federal,Government,Military,Retiree, Federal furlough, Government Shutdown, Federal Shutdown 2011, [/tag]

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Fairfax County, in governrment shut down, out over $1.5 per day in salary income

Article Title: Government Shutdown? Fairfax County Feds Out $1,608,194.52 Per Day in Salary
Snippet of Article: "...Northern Virginia area could see a negative impact to its economy if a federal government shutdown occurs, which he gives a 50-50 percent of happening..."


[tag]Federal,Government,Military,Retiree, shutdown [/tag]

Federal furlough threat fears of 800,000 Federal Employees

Article Title: Shutdown: 800,000 federal workers in the dark
Snippet of Article: "...There are two kinds of federal workers right now: the essential and the non-essential. Most don't know which group they're in. ..."


[tag]Federal,Government,Military,Retiree, [/tag]

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Government workers await Federal Shutdown news

Article Title: Federal workers in Louisiana await fate as deadline on government shutdown nears
Snippet of Article: "...With a government shutdown possibly looming this weekend, federal employees still haven't been told whether they are considered "essential" and will continue to work or will be forced to take unpaid furlough...."


[tag]Federal shutdown, federal employee furlough, Government shutdown, [/tag]

Monday, April 4, 2011

Federal furlough Q and A

Article Title: Answers to questions about a possible federal furlough
Snippet of Article: "...A government shutdown could happen after next Friday if Congress doesn't fund federal operations. So, if that happens what's the game plan? ..."


[tag]Federal,Government,Military,Retiree, Federal furlough [/tag]

Monday, February 28, 2011

To Shutdown or not to shutdown...

Article Title: Republicans win round one of budget fight
Snippet of Article: "...Democrats threw in the towel Friday, just two days after delivering a chest-thumping rejection of the GOP plan to forestall a government shutdown for two weeks...."


[tag]Government Shutdown, Federal furlough [/tag]