Showing posts with label Woke vs. America. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Woke vs. America. Show all posts

Monday, January 8, 2024

America Loving DOD and Military Worker Donations Tend to Favor Republicans vs. Liberal Federal Employees Funding the Biden Agenda

Article Title: Federal Employees’ Political Donations Largely Went to Biden, Other Democrats in 2023
Snippet of Article: "...The former president regularly called out the “deep state,” a term used by some to refer to entrenched members of the federal bureaucracy, for obstructing his agenda.

Some federal officials even bragged about working against the president, going as far as to author an anonymous piece in The New York Times about it. ...Republicans raised significantly more money from DOD employees, about $67,000, than the $20,632 Biden and Democrats raised, according to Federal Election Commission records. The majority of federal employee donations received by Trump and Republicans came from the DOD.

Trump’s lead among individuals working for branches of the armed forces was even larger.

Individuals working for the United States Air Force, Marine Corps, Army, Navy, and Coast Guard donated about $62,000 to Trump’s fundraising committees and only about $24,000 to Biden’s committees."


[tag] Patriots vs. Libtards, Make America Great Again vs. New World Order Democrats, [/tag]