Saturday, August 3, 2024

Retirees' Social Security checks have lost significant buying power

Article Title: Retirees' Social Security checks have lost significant buying power
Snippet of Article: "Inflation has taken a toll on seniors' ability to make ends meet, as annual cost-of-living adjustments fail to keep up. ...Retirees would need, on average, a $370 monthly boost in their Social Security checks to make up for a 20% loss of buying power since 2010.

That means today’s average monthly benefit of $1,860 for retired workers would need to rise to about $2,230, according to a new report from the Senior Citizens League, a nonpartisan group.

The spoiler: inflation. ..."


[tag] Democrats do nothing to help retirees and they are in power now!, Inflation has destroyed boomer retirees, Root Causes of Inflation is Democrat Rule, Do Nothing Democrats, [/tag]