Sunday, May 26, 2024

Corrupt Justice System Still Trying to Hide Crimes for Crack-Head Hunter and Compromised Joe | The judge in Hunter Biden’s gun case issued a series of pretrial rulings Friday

Article Title: Judge in Hunter Biden’s gun case issued a series of pretrial rulings Friday
Snippet of Article: "To win a conviction, she said they’ll need to show that he was generally using drugs at the time...allow Biden’s lawyers to challenge the authenticity of specific texts from his infamous laptop...they only want to introduce a small slice of the laptop material at trial. ...Biden recently secured a delay in a separate, tax-evasion trial ... judge also granted Biden’s request that the paternity case he faced in Arkansas be excluded ......exclude his 2014 discharge from the Navy over a drug incident... She sided with Biden on whether prosecutors could refer to the tax charges. “There shall be no reference to the tax case,” the judge said. ..."


[tag] Setting New Precedents to Evade Prosecutions (The Hunter Biden Trials References), Corrupt Justice, The Democrat Years, Destruction of Democracy (the Democrat Years), Validated Laptop vs. Democrat Protection of the Biden Crime Family, [/tag]