Friday, May 24, 2024

'Cartel Joe' Biden Border Rush… Illegals Scale TX Border Walls | Biden Refuses to Use His Executive Orders to Save America From Foreign Invasion

Article Title: Migrants Scale Federal Walls at Opposite Ends of Texas Border
Snippet of Article: "...Videos provided by the Texas Department of Public Safety show migrants breaching federal border walls at opposite ends of the state’s border with Mexico. In El Paso, migrants became aggressive when confronted by Border Patrol agents. In McAllen, smugglers ferried a ladder across the Rio Grand to scale a border wall.

A West Texas DPS helicopter crew assigned to Governor Greg Abbott’s Operation Lone Star provided air cover for El Paso Sector Border Patrol agents as a group of migrants used a rope ladder to scale a border wall near the Santa Teresa Port of Entry. ..."


[tag] 'Cartel Joe' Biden Border Rush, Root Causes of the Foreign Invasion of America (The Biden Admin), [/tag]