Thursday, June 25, 2020

The IRS will pay you interest if your refund is delayed this tax season

Article Title: The IRS will pay you interest if your refund is delayed this tax season
Snippet of Article: "...In essence, taxpayers who file their return on or before July 15, the new tax-filing and payment due date, and are owed a refund will earn interest. As Rubin put it, the IRS is "paying for the privilege of holding on to the money since April 15," just as a taxpayer would pay the IRS if they owed money..."


[tag] Federal Employee News, Federal Civil Service, [/tag]

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Mark Meadows says federal employee who leaked social media executive order 'no longer works for the federal government'

Article Title: Mark Meadows says federal employee who leaked social media executive order 'no longer works for the federal government'
Snippet of Article: "..."All the sudden, this proposed EO shows up in the New York Times. And it was really fed to the New York Times by a federal worker that didn't agree with this administration, or at least it appears that they didn't. And they didn't agree with the EO, and so they took it and fed it to outside sources. And I'm glad to say we were able to track that person down. They no longer work for the federal government," Meadows said..."


[tag] Federal Employee News, Federal Civil Service, [/tag]

Sunday, June 7, 2020

5 Benefits of Serving in the Civil Service After Your Military Career

Article Title: 5 Benefits of Serving in the Civil Service After Your Military Career
Snippet of Article: "...if you formerly served on active duty, your military service can provide you with additional benefits under the Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS). These benefits can be incredibly valuable and can help you earn a more lucrative FERS retirement..."


[tag] Federal Employee News, Federal Civil Service, [/tag]

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

"Get My Payment" IRS Stimulus Tracking Tool

Article Title: IRS to roll out an official tool for tracking stimulus checks
Snippet of Article: "...having been sent out to taxpayers over the weekend, the IRS will be launching a tool this week called "Get My Payment," which is expected to be available by Friday, April 17, according to a report by CNBC. Get My Payment is a tracking tool that will ..."


[tag] Get My Payment, [/tag]

Saturday, March 28, 2020

The government stimulus checks soon coming to millions of Americans will be tax-free

Article Title: The government stimulus checks soon coming to millions of Americans will be tax-free
Snippet of Article: "...they won't be taxed as income, according to Nicole Kaeding, the vice president of policy promotion and an economist at the National Taxpayers Union Foundation..."


[tag] Federal Employee News, Federal Civil Service, [/tag]

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

U.S. Postal Service employee at Pennsylvania postal facility tests positive for coronavirus

Article Title: U.S. Postal Service employee at Bethlehem Township facility tests positive for coronavirus
Snippet of Article: "...An employee of the U.S. Postal Service’s Lehigh Valley Processing & Distribution Center in Bethlehem Township has tested positive for COVID-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus..."


[tag] Federal Employee News, Federal Civil Service, [/tag]

Monday, February 24, 2020

CoronaCrash: Stock Market Crashes On Coronavirus News

Article Title: Stock Market Plunges On Coronavirus News
Snippet of Article: "...stock market plunged early Monday, as the coronavirus continues to spread outside of China. The Dow Jones Industrial Average crashed nearly 1,000 points in today's stock market...The coronavirus continues to spread outside of China. South Korea raised its threat level to "red alert, " the highest national threat level. Confirmed cases jumped to 763, up 161 over the last 24 hours..."


[tag] Federal Employee News, Federal Civil Service, CoronaCrash (Coronavirus hit Markets on Feb. 24, 2020), Coronavirus 2020, C Fund, [/tag]

Monday, December 9, 2019

Quid Pro Quo: Dems seek a favor of parental-leave be granted in return for concessions to secure the Space Force

Article Title: Democrats leveraged Trump’s fixation on Space Force to pursue parental-leave victory for federal workers
Snippet of Article: "...Democratic lawmakers and the White House struck a tentative bargain late last week to create the Space Force in exchange for new parental-leave benefits for the federal workforce. If approved, it would be the biggest victory for federal employees in nearly 30 years..."


[tag] Federal Employee News, Federal Civil Service, [/tag]

What is the legal definition of Quid Pro Quo? A favor or advantage granted or expected in return for something.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Federal employees will pay over 5% more toward FEHB premiums in 2020

Article Title: Federal employees will pay over 5% more toward FEHB premiums in 2020
Snippet of Article: "...Some FEHB enrollees will see smaller premium hikes, while others will notice much larger increases depending on the type of their current plan. Some local plans, for example, are expected to go up between 7.9-and-14% percent in 2020.’ The popular Blue Cross and Blue Shield nationwide benefit plans will see..."


[tag] Federal Employee News, Federal Civil Service, [/tag]

Sunday, August 25, 2019

What Needs to Happen for Civilians to Get a 2020 Pay Raise

Article Title: What Needs to Happen for Civilians to Get a 2020 Pay Raise
Snippet of Article: "...President Trump is required to issue an alternative pay plan by the end of August, or else sizeable automatic pay increases, particularly in terms of locality pay, take effect as part of the 1990 Federal Employees Pay Comparability Act..."


[tag] Federal Employee News, Federal Civil Service, [/tag]

Monday, August 5, 2019

Mulvaney: Relocating Offices is a 'Wonderful Way' to Shed Federal Employees

Article Title: Mulvaney: Relocating Offices is a 'Wonderful Way' to Shed Federal Employees
Snippet of Article: "...White House chief of staff shares the administration's real objective in moving agencies outside of Washington..."


[tag] Federal Employee News, Federal Civil Service, [/tag]

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

A 26-year-old billionaire is building virtual border walls — and the federal government is buying

Article Title: A 26-year-old billionaire is building virtual border walls — and the federal government is buying
Snippet of Article: "...Along remote stretches of the U.S.-Mexico border, and on the perimeters of military bases around the world, Luckey’s vision was already becoming reality. Customs and Border Protection is using Anduril’s high-tech surveillance network as a “virtual wall” of interlinked, solar-powered sentry towers that can alert agents of suspicious activity, and the company has signed similar deals with U.S. and U.K. military branches..."


[tag] Federal Employee News, Federal Civil Service, [/tag]

Sunday, July 28, 2019

The Pay Raise State of Play, and TSP Contribution Changes

Article Title: The Pay Raise State of Play, and TSP Contribution Changes
Snippet of Article: "...Although the House last month approved an appropriations package that provides an average 3.1% pay raise for civilian federal workers—a 2.6% across the board raise, and an average 0.5% increase to locality pay—the Senate has not introduced any of its appropriations bills for consideration..."


[tag] Federal Employee News, Federal Civil Service, [/tag]

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Tariffs Are Good for Workers

Article Title: Tariffs Are Good for Workers
Snippet of Article: "...tariffs on steel and aluminum is long overdue and good for America because we need new economic rules that allow working families and our communities to thrive. Wall Street CEOs and multinational corporations say the tariffs will start a trade war, but the truth is Wall Street has been waging a war on working people for decades. The results have been devastating. As America has lost our industrial capacity with each shuttered plant and closed production line, workers lose jobs and communities lose a tax base and an economic cornerstone..."


[tag] Federal Employee News, Federal Civil Service, [/tag]

Friday, July 5, 2019

Why are corporations and politicians trying to hide illegals from the census?

Article Title: Trump says he's considering executive order to add citizenship question to census
Snippet of Article: "...The census forms are currently being printed without the citizenship question, officials have said. U.S. District Court Judge George Hazel of Maryland ordered Justice Department lawyers to state by 2 p.m. Friday whether the government is ending its quest or whether it intends to keep..."


[tag] Federal Employee News, Federal Civil Service, Census, Hiding Illegals from census, Illegal Invasion will bankrupt America, Efforts to keep wages low, [/tag]

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Most federal employees would get a 3.1% raise on average under this House plan

Article Title: Most federal employees would get a 3.1% raise on average under this House plan
Snippet of Article: "...Most federal employees would receive a raise averaging 3.1 percent in January 2020 and the central federal personnel agency..."


[tag] Federal Employee News, Federal Civil Service, 2020 Federal Pay Raise, Pay raise, [/tag]

Saturday, June 8, 2019

OPM Proposes Changes to Probation, Special Hiring Authorities

Article Title: OPM Proposes Changes to Probation, Special Hiring Authorities
Snippet of Article: "...Federal employees would not gain full appeal rights until they have completed their probationary periods regardless of the..."


[tag] Federal Employee News, Federal Civil Service, Probation, Special Hiring Authorities, [/tag]

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Despite her recent decisions, FLRA chairman insists no ‘anti-union bias’

Article Title: Despite recent decisions, FLRA chairman insists no ‘anti-union bias’
Snippet of Article: "...The House Oversight and Reform Government Operations Subcommittee questioned FLRA Chairman Colleen Kiko about her decisions to close two of the agency’s regional offices and end formal recognition of the FLRA’s own employee union within the past year..."


[tag] Federal Employee News, Federal Civil Service, FLRA Chairman Colleen Kiko, Federal Labor Relations Authority (FLRA), anti-union, [/tag]

Monday, May 20, 2019

VA shooting survivor victimized by ‘bizarre’ federal worker’s comp maze

Article Title: VA shooting survivor victimized by ‘bizarre’ federal worker’s comp maze
Snippet of Article: "...Since most of his cases involve postal workers, Shapiro offered the example of a carrier who needs knee replacements after spending 25 years on the job. In that time, the worker has walked 35,000 miles and climbed 7 million stairs while carrying a bag that weighs up to 70 pounds, he said. “Do you think his job contributed to some degree to his need for knee replacement surgery?” Shapiro asked rhetorically. “Nine out of 10 people will say yes and the tenth works for the Department of Labor. I get that case denied every single day by the Department of Labor..."


[tag] Federal Employee News, Federal Civil Service, Department of Labor, Office of Workers’ Compensation Programs (OWCP), Workers Compensation, [/tag]

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

TSP investors playing it safe, or missing big gains?

Article Title: TSP investors playing it safe, or missing big gains?
Snippet of Article: "...generally pay less than any other option in the federal Thrift Savings Plan, Uncle Sam’s in-house 401K plan for active duty and retired astronauts, NASA rocket scientists, current and..."


[tag] Federal Employee News, Federal Civil Service, [/tag]

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Trump’s Pick to Lead OPM Has an Unusual Management Record for the Job

Article Title: Trump’s Pick to Lead OPM Has an Unusual Management Record for the Job
Snippet of Article: "...the announcement turned heads among those who once worked at the FLRA, the independent agency tasked with handling labor-management disputes. Former officials at the agency were puzzled that the White House would nominate someone to the government's top HR position whose previous executive branch leadership experience was marked by an exodus of employees and ballooning case backlog. Morale at the agency, as measured by governmentwide employee survey data, was the lowest in government by the time Cabaniss left the top job there..."


[tag] Federal Employee News, Federal Civil Service, [/tag]

Friday, April 12, 2019

Federal Retirement Claims Continue to Surge

Article Title: Federal Retirement Claims Continue to Surge in March, But Backlog Is Down
Snippet of Article: "...The Office of Personnel Management reported last week that the annual surge in retirements, traditionally reserved for January and February, crept into March this year, although the agency has managed to reduce the backlog of claims. Last month, 10,048 federal employees..."


[tag] Federal Employee News, Federal Civil Service, Retirement, [/tag]

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

FBI accuses wealthy parents, including celebrities, in college-entrance bribery scheme

Article Title: FBI accuses wealthy parents, including celebrities, in college-entrance bribery scheme
Snippet of Article: "...Investigators allege the scheme was run largely through Key Worldwide Foundation, which ostensibly was a nonprofit but, according to the FBI, was really a conduit for bribing college employees to get rich kids into elite schools..."


[tag] FBI, SAT, [/tag]

Monday, March 11, 2019

Federal Employee Union Calls Proposed Budget 'A Kick in the Teeth' to Workers

Article Title: Federal Employee Union Calls Proposed Budget 'A Kick in the Teeth' to Workers
Snippet of Article: "..."It's frankly unbelievable that, given the pain federal employees have just gone through, the President is proposing massive cuts and another pay freeze. It shows a complete disconnect with the needs of the civil servants who are America's workforce. "This budget is a kick in the teeth to the federal employees who have suffered through years of pay freezes, cuts to their benefits, and attacks on their rights at work. Federal workers have lost more than $200 billion from cuts to their pay and benefits since 2011..."


[tag] Federal Employee News, Federal Civil Service, [/tag]

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Social Security Lets the Wealthy Slide on Their Income Contributions While Working Class Pays

Article Title: Here’s How Much America’s Rising Income Inequality Is Costing Social Security
Snippet of Article: "...ironically, it’s America’s highest earners—those who can most readily afford to contribute—whom policymakers have chosen to give a break. In 2019, every dollar they earn above the payroll tax cap of $132,900 will escape Social Security payroll taxes entirely. As a result, while roughly 94 percent of workers contributed the full 12.4 percent of their annual earnings toward Social Security taxes..."


[tag] Federal Employee News, Federal Civil Service, [/tag]

Saturday, February 16, 2019

Taxes: Amazon will pay $0 in taxes on $11,200,000,000 in profit for 2018

Article Title: Amazon will pay $0 in taxes on $11,200,000,000 in profit for 2018
Snippet of Article: "...According to a report from the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP), Amazon (AMZN) will pay nothing in federal income taxes for the second year in a row. Thanks to the new Tax Cuts and..."


[tag] Federal Employee News, Federal Civil Service, [/tag]

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

IRS is now accepting tax returns, but some deductions are no longer allowed

Article Title: IRS is now accepting tax returns, but some deductions are no longer allowed
Snippet of Article: "...Tax filing season is officially underway and starting Monday, the IRS will start accepting tax returns. This year, you may want to file sooner rather than later, as reported by CBS..."


[tag] Federal Employee News, Federal Civil Service, [/tag]

Sunday, January 27, 2019

AFGE Urges Workers to Join Shutdown Lawsuit to Be Made Whole From Loss of Income

Article Title: AFGE Urges Workers to Join Shutdown Lawsuit to Be Made Whole From Loss of Income
Snippet of Article: "...All federal employees who are classified as non-exempt under the Fair Labor Standards Act, have been deemed "excepted" by their agency, and worked for any amount of time on or after Dec. 22, 2018 without being paid are eligible to join the AFGE lawsuit. To join the lawsuit..."


[tag] Federal Employee News, Federal Civil Service, Shutdown 2018, Shutdown 2019, Border Wall, Protection of U.S. Border, Federal Employees vs Illegal Immigrants, [/tag]

Shutdown: Thank Goodness 'Fed Job-Killer' Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) Couldn't Eliminate ICE Jobs

Article Title: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was the only House Democrat who voted against a bill to end the shutdown
Snippet of Article: "...Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) was the only Democrat in the House of Representatives to vote against a short-term spending bill to end the partial government shutdown on Wednesday, because it would allocate funds to the Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency (ICE), which she campaigned on eliminating..."


[tag] Federal Employee News, Federal Civil Service, Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), destruction of the working class, Job Killer, No Friend of the Federal Employee Working Class, Pro Illegal Immigration Politician, ICE, Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency (ICE), [/tag]

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Now Pelosi Owns the Shutdown

Article Title: Now Pelosi Owns the Shutdown
Snippet of Article: "...Donald Trump shrewdly flipped the table on Nancy Pelosi in the government shutdown standoff. He has now proposed a grand bargain on immigration: legalization of some 1 million so-called Dreamers..."


[tag] Federal Employee News, Federal Civil Service, [/tag]