Monday, September 9, 2024

Schumer (Democrats) Willing to Halt U.S. Funding (CR) to Protect Illegals Voting

Article Title: Schumer Rejects GOP Proposal To Link Bill Requiring Voters Prove Citizenship With Spending Measure
Snippet of Article: "House GOP leaders revealed their version of a continuing resolution, which would provide funding for the federal government through March 28, combined with the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act, a bill which aims to require individuals show proof of U.S. citizenship to register to vote in elections for federal office and pushes states to remove non-citizens from voter rolls....Chuck Schumer (D-NY) signaled on Sunday that he would not allow the upper chamber to consider a short-term spending measure that is combined with an election integrity bill..."


[tag] Republicans Present Continuing Resolution (CR) to Fund Government Thru March 28 2025, Democrats say They Will Not Pass CR That Prevents Illegals/Non-Citizens From Voting, [/tag]