Saturday, July 27, 2024

The FBI Throws the FBI Under the Bus After Christopher Wray Pushed Conspiracy About Trump Gunshot Wound

Article Title: The FBI Throws the FBI Under the Bus After Christopher Wray Pushed Conspiracy About Trump Gunshot Wound
Snippet of Article: "Don't believe your own eyes. That was the message from the far-left following the assassination attempt on Donald Trump as they spread conspiracy theories that he wasn't actually shot.

Claims ranged from "it was glass" to the entire shooting being staged. That's expected from the BlueAnon lunatics. ...As RedState reported, FBI Director Christopher Wray decided it'd be a good idea to spread the left-wing conspiracy theory that Trump wasn't hit by a bullet. ..."


[tag] left-wing conspiracy theory that Trump wasn't hit by a bullet, Christopher Wray's "No Bullet" Conspiracy Theory Deflated, [/tag]