Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Biden Now Posing a Threat to Democrat Races In Both Chambers of Congress Say Dems

Article Title: Biden Now Posing a Threat to Democrat Races In Both Chambers of Congress Say Dems
Snippet of Article: "Connecticut Democrat Rep. Jim Himes is getting texts and emails constantly about Biden's capabilities from his constituency, and none of them are kind about it. So much so that Biden has become a threat. ...Biden is posing a clear threat to the Democrat Party with his mere presence. Despite attempts to make it seem like he's both determined and capable, it's pretty clear that all the media's horses and all the media's men can't put Biden's campaign back together again. Despite the fact that it's a dead campaign walking, Biden has stated he's not moving from his position. As RedState reported, Colorado Democrat Senator Michael Bennet foresees a "landslide win" for Donald Trump against Biden..."


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