Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Finally Some Common Sense | Republicans Introduce Bill To Ban DEI in Government, Federal Contracting

Article Title: Republicans Introduce Bill To Ban DEI in Government, Federal Contracting
Snippet of Article: "...The Dismantle DEI Act, introduced by Sen. J.D. Vance (R., Ohio) and Rep. Michael Cloud (R., Texas), would also bar federal grants from going to diversity initiatives, cutting off a key source of support for DEI programs in science and medicine. Other provisions would prevent accreditation agencies from requiring DEI in schools and bar national securities associations, like NASDAQ and the New York Stock Exchange, from instituting diversity requirements for corporate boards. "The DEI agenda is a destructive ideology that breeds hatred and racial division," Vance told the Washington Free Beacon...."


[tag] Dismantle DEI Act [/tag]