Thursday, May 23, 2024

Will Highly Anticipated South Bronx Trump Rally Break Attendance Record of Recent New Jersey Trump Supporters?

Make New York Great Again! The Bronx has the opportunity to bring wealth and lower crime back to the area after AOC and crew destroyed it. Bronx residents will show they have not fallen for Democrat lies. We love America!

Make The Bronx Great Again
Article Title: Enthusiastic Bronx residents ready to welcome Trump for first NYC campaign rally in 8 years: ‘I really hope he wins’
Snippet of Article: "...“Everybody was working, the prices were lower and the economy was great,” Randazzo said of the Trump administration, before addressing the possibility of voting for Biden: “Not on my deathbed.”

“I really hope he wins,” Randazzo added of Trump before exhorting: “Vote him in!”...I liked his policies. And I still like his policies. And I don’t like the direction that the country’s gone. So I definitely am going to vote for a Republican. I always vote Republican, and I’m always gonna vote for Trump.”

“Always Trump,” added the MAGA diehard. ...Corso said she was hopeful Trump might become the first Republican to win New York since Ronald Reagan in 1984 and added that many of her closest friends are closet Trump supporters who don’t want to endure the same backlash she did.

“So many people will talk a show [that they] like Joe Biden, then they get me behind closed doors and they are like ‘[I’m] voting for Trump, too but I can’t say anything.’ And I’m like, ‘Girl, your secret’s safe with me,’” she explained. "


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