Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Biden Biased Media Is Silent On The Huge Illegal Border Invasion | House Dems Demand Biden 'Restore Order On The Border'

Democrats are in fear that the damage they have done to America is not being hidden enough by media friends. Now we must make it look like we care and realize America does not have the ability to afford the foreign invasion. As inflation, hidden by the manipulated CPI-W data, destroys the lower middle class. Layoffs, bank failures, home and auto repos climb exponentially. Inflation is quickly wiping out Americans on tiny social security checks that are completely insufficient under the pro-illegal Biden admin and the destructive islamist terrorists that have infiltrated the country. Danger is coming!

Article Title: House Democrats call on Biden to ‘restore order’ on the border
Snippet of Article: "...Over a dozen vulnerable House Democrats this election cycle wrote President Biden to take executive action on the southern border with Mexico.

According to Tuesday’s letter, first obtained by CBS News, 15 lawmakers from Minnesota, Arizona, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Michigan, among other states, asked Mr. Biden to “immediately take further action to restore order at the Southern border and fix our broken immigration system.”..."


[tag] Foreign Invasion of America Continues, Danger is Coming!, Trojan Horses Have Taken of U.S. Schools and the Government, A vote for biden and hometown local Democrats will destroy America, [/tag]