Thursday, January 11, 2024

Multiple US Government Entities Infected by Volt Typhoon-Linked SOHO Botnet

Article Title: Volt Typhoon-Linked SOHO Botnet Infects Multiple US Gov't Entities
Snippet of Article: "Researchers have discovered an Internet of Things (IoT) botnet linked with attacks against multiple US government and communications organizations. ...The "KV-Botnet," revealed in a report from Lumen's Black Lotus Labs, is designed to infect small-office home-office (SOHO) network devices developed by at least four different vendors. It comes built with a series of stealth mechanisms and the ability to spread further into local area networks (LANs). One notable subscriber is the Volt Typhoon advanced persistent threat (aka Bronze Silhouette), the headline-grabbing Chinese state-aligned threat actor known for attacks against US critical infrastructure. ..."


[tag] SOHO Botnet, Volt Typhoon,Cyber Attacks,China,KV-Botnet, Compromised VPN's, [/tag]