Thursday, October 26, 2023

Here's the Average Social Security Benefit at Age 67

Article Title: Here's the Average Social Security Benefit at Age 67
Snippet of Article: "...How big of a monthly check can beneficiaries aged 67 expect? Based on data from the SSA, as of December 2022, the 2,849,908 retired workers receiving benefits at age 67 were taking home $1,844.83 for the month. This works out to roughly $22,138 per year. Furthermore, the average monthly Social Security check at age 67 is nearly 45% higher than the average monthly benefit at age 62 ($1,274.87). ...The other prime reason age 67 claims are bound to soar has to do with the disability conversion. When workers with disabilities hit their full retirement age, they're automatically converted from disability benefits to retired-worker benefits. Since age 67 represents the full retirement age for most of the labor force, the vast majority of future disability conversions will be recognized at this age."


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