Saturday, September 30, 2023

Amid Damning Wire Transfer Revelations, Let's Review What the Bidens Said About Chinese Money

Article Title: Amid Damning Wire Transfer Revelations, Let's Review What the Bidens Said About Chinese Money
Snippet of Article: "...if the media had actually covered it, the American public might have heard more about the mounds of damning evidence now piling up by the day, including the release on Wednesday by the House Ways and Means Committee of reams of text messages and emails between Hunter Biden, his uncle James Biden, and a colorful array of foreign oligarchs, business associates, and bagmen. All told, House Republicans presented more than two dozen pieces of evidence on Thursday linking Joe Biden to his son’s overseas business dealings.

This evidence was the centerpiece of the hearing Thursday, which served to lay the groundwork for the impeachment inquiry. So far, the evidence suggests the Biden family “business” is exactly what it appears to be: an influence-peddling scheme on a scale never before seen in American history. ..."


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