Monday, August 29, 2022

Countless human remains found at cartel "extermination site" near U.S. border as Mexico can't account for nearly 100,000 missing

Article Title: Countless human remains found at cartel 'extermination site' near U.S. border as Mexico can't account for nearly 100,000 missing
Snippet of Article: "...For the investigators, the human foot -- burned, but with some fabric still attached -- was the tipoff: Until recently, this squat, ruined house was a place where bodies were ripped apart and incinerated, where the remains of some of Mexico's missing multitudes were obliterated. How many disappeared in this cartel "extermination site" on the outskirts of Nuevo Laredo, miles from the U.S. border? ..."


[tag] Border Invasion, Drug Cartels, [/tag]